California Privacy Notice

Effective Date: June 1, 2024

This California Privacy Notice is for California Residents and supplements the information contained in our main Privacy Notice to comply with the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCPA) and other California privacy laws. For purposes of this notice, any terms defined in CCPA have the same meaning when used here, including “personal information,” which has the same meaning as the term is defined under the CCPA and regulations promulgated thereunder. Personal information does not include information that has been de-identified or aggregated.


The following lists the categories of personal information, as listed in the CCPA, that we collect and/or have collected currently and during the preceding 12 months.

To see the types of the personal information we collect in each category, the sources from which we collect this personal information, please see the Personal Data We Collect section in our main Privacy Notice. For the business purpose we have for collecting such personal information, please see the How We May Use Your Personal Data section in our main Privacy Notice.

For the categories of third parties to whom we disclose such personal information, please see the How We May Share Your Personal Data section of our main Privacy Notice.

We do not “sell” and have not sold personal information, as “sale” in a traditional sense, or, as defined in the CCPA, to non-vendor third parties. We have not engaged in such activities in the 12 months preceding this California Privacy Notice was last updated.

We do not “sell” personal information to non-vendor third parties for purposes of cross-context behavioral or targeted advertising, including within the 12 months preceding the date this California Privacy Notice was last updated.


If you are a California resident, you may make the following requests, subject to certain conditions or exceptions as set forth under the CCPA:

No Discrimination. We will not discriminate against any consumer for exercising their rights under the CCPA.

How to Make Requests

You may submit a California Data Subject Request via an online form here or call us toll-free at 1-877-297-0721. You will need to confirm your address and provide us with a way to contact you and sufficient information for us to confirm who you are.

We will verify and respond to your request consistent with applicable law, taking into account the type and sensitivity of the personal information subject to the request. We may need to request additional personal information from you, such as email address, street address, or official photo identification, in order to verify your identity and protect against fraudulent requests.

Authorized Agent

You have the right to submit requests through an authorized agent. While this right is specifically recognized under California law, we reserve the right to honor such requests if you are a resident of another state at our discretion. To have an authorized agent submit a Data Subject Request Form on your behalf, the agent can do so by completing this Data Subject Request Form and specifying the agent's identity in the "Request Details" text box.

We will ask for written, signed permission that the agent has been authorized to act on your behalf. Once written authorization is provided, we will review your Data Subject Request Form and respond to you as quickly as possible. We will respond directly to the email address provided by the authorized agent regarding the fulfilment of the Data Subject Request Form.

Verifiable Requests

To ensure the secure and accurate verification of data subject requests, we employ a robust authentication process that involves validating data points through our service provider, Ketch. We will verify your request using only the necessary information required to validate your identity. We aim to enhance the reliability of our verification process, safeguard against unauthorized access and maintain the privacy and security of our users' information.

Right to appeal

If we decline to take action in any request that you submit in connection with the rights described above, you may ask that we reconsider our response by sending an email to or call us toll-free at 1-877-297-0721. You must ask us to reconsider our decision within 45 days after we send you our decision. We will respond to your appeal in accordance with the timeline set forth under applicable law.

If we are acting as a data processor or service provider, we will forward your request to the applicable data controller, and reasonably assist the controller in honoring your request. We do not discriminate against any individual for exercising his or her data rights.

De-identified Information

Where we maintain or use de-identified data, we will continue to maintain and use the de-identified data only in a de-identified fashion and will not attempt to re-identify the data.

Direct Marketing Lists – California Shine the Light Law

California residents can request a list of all the third parties to which we have disclosed certain personal information (as defined by California’s Shine the Light law) during the preceding year for those third parties’ direct marketing purposes. California residents may contact us at Prestige Consumer Healthcare Inc., ATTN: Privacy, 660 White Plains Rd., #250, Tarrytown, NY 10591.

In the body of your request, you must include: “California Shine the Light Request”, your name, a current California address including street address, city, state, and zip code, as well as sufficient information for us to determine if the law applies to you. You will need to attest to the fact that you are a California resident.

We will not accept requests by telephone, email, or facsimile, and we are not responsible for notices that are not labeled or sent properly, or that do not have complete information.

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Phone: 1-800-579-8327

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